
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission falls within the scope of the journal and is one of the following: an empirical work, a literature review, an action research manuscript, or a conceptual paper.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.
  • All formatting used in the manuscript (including tables, style, references, bibliography) adhere to the most recent American Psychological Association (APA) style guide (7th edition).
  • The text is double-spaced, uses 1 inch margins, uses a 12-point font, and employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). All illustrations, figures, and tables must be placed within the text.
  • The manuscripts must include the following: an abstract, keywords, title page, page numbers, and running head.
  • The manuscript is BLINDED. Author names, author affiliations, correspondence information, etc. are deleted from the manuscript.
  • Authors must comply with ethical, legal, and professional standards in research, writing, and publishing, including appropriate levels of citation.
  • Authors must accurately fill in their personal information and the manuscript's information when registering and submitting a document (uppercase letters where appropriate, all author contact information, correct number of authors, author fields of interest and disciplines, keywords, full title, abstract, etc.).
  • Authors retain copyright without restrictions, and readers are free to copy, display, distribute, and adapt an article, as long as the work is attributed to the author(s) and CIE, the changes are identified, and the same license applies to the derivative work. Read more about our Creative Commons license at
  • Authors of manuscripts that are ultimately accepted for publication will be invited to review at least one future manuscript.
  • By checking this box, I confirm that the manuscript adheres to the submission guidelines outlined above.

Author Guidelines

Login or Register to make a submission.

CIE conducts a double-blind peer review process, which takes between 5 and 6 months once an article has been submitted. All documents must first be submitted online through our submission portal.

Manuscripts must be written in English and format, style, references, and title page must adhere to the guidelines of the most recent APA manual (7th edition). Documents that are not written in APA style will be returned to the sender for reformatting.

Additionally, all submissions must include a short abstract (150 words maximum). After the abstract, include a list of up to 5 keywords, which will be useful for indexing and searching.

Manuscripts must be blinded. All aspects of your identity must be anonymized. Beyond removing your name from the title page and the properties tab of the Word document, references to your institution, self-citations, funding sources and self-authored work on the references pages must also be blinded. Failure to blind your manuscript will result in having the document returned to you for correction.

Manuscripts must follow ethical, legal, and professional standards in research, writing, and publishing. Visit CIE's Ethics Policy for more details. 

CIE requests that manuscripts be no longer than 12,000 words, excluding figures, tables, and references. CIE provides a venue for scholarship that takes advantage of several aspects of emerging technologies, so CIE encourages studies that utilize graphics, photographs, or video streaming, etc. However, all graphics and photographs must be sent in jpeg or gif format.

Please refer to the Submission Checklist to ensure you have completed each item. Documents will be returned to the author if they do not meet the journal's submission criteria.

For manuscripts with multiple authors:

The author who submits the manuscript and serves as the primary contact for the submission, thereby agreeing to the initial submission guidelines, is responsible for authorizing any changes to the indexing and metadata. CIE is not responsible for adjudicating disputes between authors about authorship and related matters.

If a change in authorship is requested by the primary contact author before the manuscript is published, CIE will seek the approval of all authors before making any changes regarding authorship. Only the first author may request authorship changes.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.