
Call for Research Papers: Special Issue on Lived Experiences in Education: Rethinking Race, Language, and Identity


Special Issue Title:

Gradient Voices in Education: Narratives, Life Stories, and Autoethnographies on Race, Language, and Identity

Guest Editors: 

Tipsuda Chaomuangkhong, Arizona State University,

Dr. Jaclyn Naster, Basehor-Linwood Middle School, 

Special Issue Information:

In a time where Critical Race Theory and Social-Emotional Learning bans have been enacted or proposed across over 18 states (Sawchuk, 2021), it is more important than ever to highlight the rich diversity of voices that contribute to educational spaces. This issue will amplify stories that emphasize the ongoing need for equity, inclusion, and support for marginalized communities in education (Yosso, 2005). The Current Issues in Education journal invites submissions for a Special Issue focused on life stories and narratives of individuals with layered identities in education. This issue aims to highlight the voices of marginalized groups—including, but not limited to, people of color, bilingual individuals, immigrants, first-generation students, Queer individuals, women, and mothers—to explore how their unique experiences shape learning, teaching, and educational practices. Qualitative inquiry is a powerful tool for understanding how race, language, and identity intersect within the personal and professional experiences of educators, students, parents, and community members (Adams et al., 2015; Ellis et al., 2011). This Special Issue will create a platform for these lived experiences, offering insights into resilience, identity formation, and the challenges of navigating educational spaces shaped by systemic inequities (Crenshaw, 1991). This publication welcomes a variety of writings beyond the traditional qualitative methods in order to provide access to the varied voices that exist beyond academia. 

Scope and Topics

This special issue seeks diverse contributions that delve into the complexities of education as influenced by race, language, and identity. We welcome papers that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Narratives and Life Stories: Exploration of personal and collective stories that reveal the impact of race, language, and identity on educational experiences.
  • Autoethnographies: Self-reflective writings (e.g., personal essays, life stories) that illuminate individual experiences within cultural, social, and institutional contexts.
  • Racial and Linguistic Diversity: Studies on how racial and linguistic diversity shape educational environments and learner outcomes.
  • Identity Formation: Investigations into how educational settings contribute to the development of personal, cultural, and linguistic identities.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: Analyses of challenges faced by marginalized groups and potential strategies to create more equitable educational practices.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Abstract Submission (200-250 words) Deadline: March 1, 2025
  • Full Manuscript (5,000-8,000 words) Submission Deadline: July 15, 2025
  • Publication Date: September 30, 2025

We encourage submissions that draw from personal stories, narratives, and reflective inquiries to explore how layered identities impact education. All submissions should be made through the submission portal at Please refer to the Guide for Authors, updated as of September 30, 2024.

For inquiries, contact: Tipsuda Chaomuangkhong (


Adams, T., Jones, H., & Ellis, C. (2015). Adams, T., Holman Jones, S, and Ellis, C. 2015. Autoethnography: Chapter 1, Oxford University press.

Crenshaw, K. (1991). Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color. Stanford Law Review, 43(6), 1241.

Ellis, C., Adams, T. E., & Bochner, A. P. (2011). Autoethnography: An Overview. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12(1), Article 1.

Schwartz, S. (2021, June 11). Map: Where Critical Race Theory Is Under Attack. Education Week.

Yosso, T. J. (2005). Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race Ethnicity and Education, 8(1), 69–91.

  • The submission portal has REOPENED!


    Exciting News!

    We're thrilled to announce that the Current Issues in Education (CIE) submissions portal is now OPEN! After a brief summer pause at Arizona State University, we're back and ready to read your insightful manuscripts. Submissions will be accepted through the end of November 2024, so we look forward to receiving your contributions in the upcoming months. Please note that all current submissions are under review.

    Thank you for submitting your work to our journal,

    The CIE Editorial Team

    Read more about The submission portal has REOPENED!
  • Special Issue: Student Journals and Editors – Call for Papers


    Student-run academic journals have a challenging existence and barely documented history. Due to limited funding and frequent turnover, these journals are severely underrepresented in academic discourse. Despite these obstacles, student-run academic journals are vibrant and productive spaces for scholarship - for both the editors and authors. While there is an abundance of options for the production of scholarship, fostering a fertile environment for student-run journals is essential for the growth and development of scholars. The flexibility of student-run journals (many of which are open access) provides a unique opportunity and space for a diversity of modes and representation of scholarship and scholars. The purpose of this Special Issue is to advance and elevate the status of student-run academic journals in any field or discipline, as well as to discover and share strengths, solutions, and best practices.


    We seek contributions that expand the knowledge of undergraduate and graduate student journals’ publishing. Potential topics for the Special Issue include but are not limited to:


    • Student editor narratives: Learning experiences and professional perspectives of editors and editorial boards.
    • Historical overview of student-led journals.
    • The impact of editorships in student trajectories.
    • National and international comparative studies of student journals.
    • Student journals as spaces that break down barriers between research, teaching, and practice.
    • Publication pedagogies, mentorship, collaborative learning, institutional support and student journals. 
    • Student journals and digital technologies. 
    • Open Access and student-led publications. 


    Quantitative and qualitative empirical studies, essays, systematic literature reviews, and commentaries are welcome. Manuscripts should not have been previously published or under consideration elsewhere; they should be written in the English language. Contributions may start from 1,500 words for commentaries and 3,500 for the essays, cases of study or others.


    Authors should follow the CIE’s submission guidelines. All the manuscripts will be submitted to our usual review procedures, i.e., editorial and peer review processes. 


    Submissions must be sent to and 


    Closing date for submissions: March 15, 2023

    Read more about Special Issue: Student Journals and Editors – Call for Papers
  • Editorial: Welcome to Issue 23(1)


    Dear readers,

    Welcome to our Issue 1, Volume 23!

    I am delighted to announce that this issue results from the tremendous efforts of our renovated Editorial Board. At the beginning of 2022, we expanded the team, which now includes nine brilliant students from our three doctoral programs at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. We are also very proud to have more student reviewers on board! We aim to support young researchers by providing resources to conduct ethical reviews while at the same time respecting the diversity of their backgrounds, life experiences, and expertise.

    To visit the new issue, please click here:

    The editorial team would like to thank our readers who make it possible for us to contribute to strengthening educational research. Or, as our founder-editor, Dr. David Berliner, states, ‘the hardest science of all.’ We are thrilled to share that CIE’s website has been viewed 1,339,917 times so far!

    As in past years, the submissions portal will be closed during the summer months, and reopen in August.


    Ivonne Lujano Vilchis


    On behalf of the CIE Editorial Team

    Read more about Editorial: Welcome to Issue 23(1)
  • Special Issue: Call for papers!

    Call for Papers: Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age

    This special issue, Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age, invites contemporary work from scholars, practitioners, technologists, community members, and students on the futures of learning in the digital age. This issue welcomes submissions from a diverse transdisciplinary field of people, groups, and organizations that are thinking about, researching, designing, and creating the futures of learning.

    For more information see the Special Issue Call for Papers page. We look forward to your submission! 

    Read more about Special Issue: Call for papers!
  • Editorial: Welcome to Issue 19.2


    Dear readers, authors, and contributors to Current Issues in Education,


    We welcome you to our Summer Issue 19(2). This will be the last issue before a new journal leadership will implement the previously announced restructuring of Current Issues in Educations organization, focus, and scope. As pointed out in our Spring Issue announcement, we continue to be under a submission hiatus, which we expect to end in August 2016. This means that we currently are not accepting manuscript submissions.

    The restructuring initiated by the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College (MLFTC) includes a variety of changes concerning the journals structure and mission, which we believe will result in improvements for all journal stakeholders. Most prominently, the journal will be guided by a new editorial/supervisory board consisting of MLFTC faculty members and one doctoral student from each of MLFTCs doctoral programs. This committee will also select the new editorial leadership. Further, the journals focus and scope journal will correspond to MLFTCs three doctoral programs: educational policy and evaluation; learning, literacies, and technologies; and action research. This means that starting in Fall 2016, CIE will accept submissions to these three areas of focus:

    1) Educational policy and evaluation articles that document both the directly instrumental and symbolic nature of educational policy and practices.

    2) Learning, literacies, and technologies articles that explore critical issues in how people learn, the context for developing literacies, and the roles of technologies in educational settings. This area also includes investigations of effective pedagogical perspectives and methods.

    3) Action research articles, i.e. studies of educational change in education settings that are grounded in action research methods as well as methodological pieces about the use of action research in education.


    The changes resulting from CIEs restructuring are now reflected in the appropriate places on our website; however, continued updates to the journals policies are likely to be made this coming Fall, so be sure to check our policies or email us directly at


    As before, articles missing from the archives will be made available over the coming months and availability can be accelerated upon request please email us at for any requests and questions regarding the archives.


    As always: Happy reading and thank you for your contributions to and interest in CIE!


    Constantin Schreiber

    Executive Editor

    Read more about Editorial: Welcome to Issue 19.2
  • Editorial: Welcome to Issue 19.1


    Dear readers, authors, and contributors to Current Issues in Education,


    Welcome to the calendar year 2016 and thus Issue 19 of CIE. Our Spring Issue 19(1) has just been opened and will once again feature a diversity of publications from a variety of fields in education research. While we currently have a submission hiatus in place until August 2016, we continue to review manuscripts that were submitted before the hiatus and publish accepted manuscripts. This practice will continue for 19(2), our summer issue, as well.

    The current hiatus is part of a larger restructuring of Current Issues in Education initiated by the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, which we believe will result to improvements for all stakeholders in the journal: First of all our readers, authors, and reviewers, but also for editors, i.e. doctoral students, journal advisors, and Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College administrators, faculty, and staff. More details about the changes will be announced as the restructuring process develops.

    Articles missing from archives over the coming months and availability can be accelerated upon request. We will provide updates here concerning both availability of archives and the restructuring of the journal, but please also utilize our social media to stay up-to-date with CIE:



    As always: Happy reading and thank you for your contributions to and interest in CIE!

    Constantin Schreiber

    Executive Editor

    Read more about Editorial: Welcome to Issue 19.1
  • Editorial: Welcome to Issue 18.3


    Dear readers, authors, and contributors to Current Issues in Education,


    Welcome to Issue 18.3 of CIE, our 2015 fall edition. Since our summer issue, we have modernized our layout, which included a change from two columns per page to one column per page, a revised first page which now also features an APA citation of the article and the date on which the manuscrip was accepted, and minor modifications concerning design and organization. All of these changes were implemented with the goal of improving the CIE reading experience, particularly ease of access to various types of useful information concerning our publications.

    Once again, we received a large number of submissions to Current Issues in Education. The CIE editorial team has grown again and is working hard to move submissions through our review system, but we also have to announce that CIE will not accept submissions for the time being as we are preparing for further organizational changes that will improve the inner workings of the journal. In the meantime, issues will continue to be published with those manuscrips currently under review and awaiting review that will be accepted for publication.

    Current Issues in Education is also scheduled for an update of our Open Journal System (OJS) software that is provided by the Public Knowledge Project so there will be changes regarding our website this fall. Our archives are still being updated so please contact us at if you cannot find an article published before 2010 and we can accelerate the process of making the article in quesion available to you and all our readers.

    While we will provide updates here concerning both availability of archives and submission of new manuscripts, please also utilize our social media to stay up-to-date with CIE:



    Happy reading!

    Constantin Schreiber

    Executive Editor

    Read more about Editorial: Welcome to Issue 18.3
  • Editorial: Welcome to Issue 18.2


    Dear readers, authors, and contributors to Current Issues in Education,


    Welcome to Issue 18.2 of CIE, our summer edition. We had a great diversity of publications once again in Issue 18.1 and look forward to a similarly diverse selection of articles in 18.2. The CIE editorial team is happy to start Issue 18.1 with two publications by Tadesse and Gillies ( and Chung et al. ( More articles will follow through the summer.

    It should be noted that you can also stay up-to-date with CIE by following our social media accounts:




    While we are continuing to move articles through the review process and, if applicable, through editing and toward publication, we are also simultaneously in the process of moving our archives to our current website. As a student-run journal, we lacked the resources to move issues prior to 2010 to our current website, which meant that they remained hosted on our old website. After a server move last year, however, the old website became defunct and so did the old links to articles prior to 2010. Therefore, we are currently recovering the articles in our archives, reformatting them, and moving them to our current website with new links and citations. This process is expected to be completed by the time Issue 18.3 will be published in August. If you are looking for an article prior to 2010 and cannot find it on our website, please send an email to and we will get it to you as soon as possible in the new format with an updated link.

    Once again, I am happy to be able to report a high number of submissions to Current Issues in Education. The CIE editorial staff is excited about the interest that researchers show in the journal, but we also have to face the fact that we are a student-run journal relying largely on volunteers. Therefore, we have decided to once again implement a submission hiatus until August 15th of this year, essentially covering the summer months. This measure was taken to improve the time it takes to move articles through the peer review and to a manuscript decision.

    To improve the peer review process and our time to manuscript decision, we are also always looking for reviewers. We have a large database of reviewers, largely from North America that increasingly becomes more international, which we are excited about. If you wish to serve as a peer reviewer for Current Issues in Education, please register on our website and select "reviewer" as a role. As a peer reviewer, you are an integral part of this journal and can make invaluable contributions to the quality that it provides.

    Happy reading!

    Constantin Schreiber

    Executive Editor

    Read more about Editorial: Welcome to Issue 18.2
  • 2014 Annual Report


    The Executive Editorial Staff composed this report to reflect on Current Issues in Education's development in 2015. You will find an Overview of Developments, information on Submission and Publication Rates, Time to Publication, Impact and Visibility, as well as Participants, and Goals for 2015.

    Read more about 2014 Annual Report
  • Editorial: Welcome to Issue 17.3


    Dear readers, authors, and contributors to Current Issues in Education,

    Welcome to Issue 17.3 of CIE, which we will roll out soon. We are in the fortunate position to receive many high-quality submissions that are considered for publication and thank the authors for their contributions to CIE. The diversity of research topics and issues that has been addressed in the publications is astonishing and we believe that CIE does provide a very unbiased platform for all types of educational resarch.

    Unfortunately, we are currently not able to move submissions into peer review immediately. In fact, we have a relatively long queue and we are pushing the limits given our current staff size. While we are happy to be considered as a place for publication by so many authors, we also want to ensure that manuscripts do not spend too much time in our queue for peer-review. Therefore, we announce a submission hiatus until February 1st, 2014, meaning that no manuscript submissions will be accepted before then. If we move through our manuscript queue more quickly than anticipated, we will open our journal up for submissions again sooner and announce it here.


    We are also announcing editorial changes. Co-Executive Editor Elizabeth Reyes left the journal and we thank her for her outstanding service for many years. Assistant Executive Editor Kevin Raso stepped down to Section Editor due to other exciting commitments. During the coming academic year, the journal will be lead by Executive Editor Constantin Schreiber and Assistant Executive Editor Anna Cirell.


    The new team is looking forward to Issue 17.3 and to the new volume 18 which we will open in January.


    Constantin Schreiber

    Executive Editor

    Read more about Editorial: Welcome to Issue 17.3
  • EPAA Call for Papers II


    EPAA, one of CIE's sister journals, just released a call for papers.

    This call for papers will explore how research assessment exercises and ranking regimes are affecting scholarly journals globally. Do scholars seek to become public intellectuals and write for The Public when they must publish in a language unintelligible to their particular publics?  What topics have been lost in the move toward international scholarship? How have library budgets adjusted to the costs of the growing number of commercial journals that are charging ever higher subscription prices?  How has the focus of academic research changed in recent years as a consequence of these trends?  

    Read more about EPAA Call for Papers II
  • EPAA Call for Papers

    Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA), one of CIE's sister journals, announces a call for papers for a special issue exploring coaching with the goal of speaking to policymakers, reformers, and educators and will contribute to broader discussions about the potential of policy levers to improve classroom practice and educational outcomes. Research papers using interdisciplinary or mixed media (images/audio/video clips) formats are highly encouraged. Read more about EPAA Call for Papers
  • 2012 Highlights Report

    On behalf of the 2013 CIE editorial team, we want to thank you all for contributing to an outstanding publication year in 2012.  The purpose of this highlights report is to thank all of the people who make our publication possible and to share some of CIE's process and publication information from 2012. Read more about 2012 Highlights Report