Editorial: Welcome to Issue 21(3)


Dear Readers,

Welcome to the Fall 2020 issue of our journal – Current Issues in Education. We are a new editorial team, with dreams of enhancing the quality and reach of the journal, and the articles in this issue are evidence that our journey is well underway.

We are consolidating our editorial and review processes and policies (i.e. CIE ethics policy).  We are also brainstorming for special issues and global outreach as we continue to disseminate high-quality research articles.

The current volume of CIE provides diverse perspectives that contribute significantly to the field of educational research. The articles address a wide range of issues: from identity development in beginning urban teachers, to collaboration amongst middle school teachers, to the internationalization of faculty in university settings. Based on research with new teachers, Kate French provides pointers for teacher induction in the context of educating for social justice. Liz Bergeron explores the nuances of collaboration among teachers, identifying a possible relationship between age and teacher beliefs. Based in Chile, Daniela Véliz and colleagues highlight the challenges faced by international academics in striving universities and suggest developing institutional support systems.

We look forward to continuing on this exciting journey with you – our authors, readers, reviewers and well-wishers. Thank you for your support.


Marina Basu

Lead Editor, on behalf of the CIE Editorial Team