
  • Current Issues in Education's Fall Issue
    Vol. 25 No. 2 (2024)

    Welcome to the Fall Issue of Current Issues in Education! 

    We’re excited to share the second issue of Vol. 25 with you! This edition brings together five insightful and thought-provoking articles, featuring the work of scholars addressing real problems in education, exploring alternatives, and revealing unexpected possibilities.

    Thank you to our editorial board, composed of students from all three PhD programs at MLFTC, for their dedication and hard work this semester. We’re also deeply grateful to our reviewers, whose thoughtful contributions make this journal possible. Lastly, to the authors who entrusted us with their manuscripts, we are honored to publish your important and thoughtful contributions.

    We encourage you to begin with our editorial, In the Space of Urgency, Making Space for the Emerging. This piece reflects on the challenges of navigating education in the time of political, social, and environmental crises we currently face. It offers a lens to engage with this issue, inviting readers to slow down and embrace the possibilities emerging from these pressing times. The articles in this issue uncover hidden and unexpected possibilities that have the potential to move the field forward in transformative ways. Together, they remind us that embracing complexity is not only an academic endeavor—it is a critical step in driving meaningful change in education.


    Happy reading!


    Victoria Desimoni, on behalf of the CIE editorial team

  • Current Issues in Education’s Spring Issue
    Vol. 25 No. 1 (2024)

    Welcome to the Spring issue of Current Issues in Education, where we embark on a journey through the dynamic landscape of contemporary educational research. In this edition, we are delighted to present a collection of insightful papers that delve into critical topics shaping the field of education today.

    As we navigate the complexities of education, one recurring theme that emerges from our exploration is the pursuit of equity and social justice. From examining the limitations in education in regards to developing the possible selves of young Black men through Hip Hop-based education (Robinson, 2024) to identifying barriers to parental involvement in early childhood education (Wildmon et al., 2024) or beginning teachers’struggles in regards to students’ and their own social-emotional development and needs (Martin, 2024), the papers in this issue underscore the importance of ensuring equitable access to quality education for all learners. Through rigorous inquiry, the authors shed light on the challenges faced by marginalized communities and advocate for inclusive practices that empower every student.

    Another prominent theme that permeates the research presented here is the need for adaptability and resilience in education. Whether it is navigating the transformation of courses between different modalities in higher education (Bernauer et al., 2024) or responding to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic (Scheopner Torres & D’Souza, 2024), educators and institutions must be flexible and innovative to meet learners' evolving needs, which are changing rapidly due to broader societal demands (e.g., Caddy & Sandilands, 2019).The papers in this issue provide valuable insights that can help in building resilient educational systems capable of withstanding 21st-century challenges and re-emphasize the importance of communities, both those of practice and local, in shaping the experiences of teachers and students. 

    As lead editors, we extend our gratitude to the authors for their dedication to advancing knowledge in the field of education. We also express appreciation to the reviewers and editorial team for their meticulous attention to detail and commitment to academic excellence.

    We invite you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of research presented in this issue, engage with the findings and insights, and join us in the ongoing dialogue surrounding the future of education. Together, let us work towards building a more equitable, resilient, and inclusive educational landscape for generations to come.

    Warm regards,

    Tipsuda Chaomuangkhong and Bregje van Geffen

    Lead Editors of Current Issues in Education



    Bernauer, J.A., Fuller, R.G., & Cassels, A.M. (2024). Transforming courses across teaching modalities in higher education. Current Issues in Education, 25(1).

    Caddy, J., & Sandilands, R. (2019). Analytical Framework for Case Study Collection Effective Learning Environments. OECD.

    Martin, P.C. (2024). Teacher SEL Space: Addressing Beginning Teachers’ Social Emotionalm Learning in a Support Group Structure. Current Issues in Education, 25(3).

    Robinson, S. R. (2024). Hip Hop, social reproduction, and the possible selves of young Black men. Current Issues in Education, 25(1).

    Scheopner Torres, A., & D’Souza, L. A. (2024). Pipeline disruption: The impact of COVID-19 on the next generation of teachers. Current Issues in Education, 25(1).

    Wildmon, M.E., Anthony, K.V., & Kamau, Z.J. (2024). Identifying and navigating the barriers of parental involvement in early childhood education. Current Issues in Education, 25(1).

    Picture: "Education is All" by cogdogblog is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

  • Student writing in a notebook with a laptop on an outside table

    Special Issue: Student Journals and Editors
    Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023)

    In 2023, Current Issues in Education (CIE) celebrated its 25th anniversary as a student-led, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal produced by doctoral students at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College of Arizona State University.  Founded by Gene V. Glass, David Berliner, and Jim Middleton in 1998, this monumental milestone provided an occasion to reflect on CIE's evolution and the role of student-led journals in the scholarly landscape.

    Student-run academic journals face significant challenges due to limited funding and frequent turnover in student leadership, resulting in their underrepresentation in academic conversations. Despite these hurdles, student journals serve as lively spaces for scholarly engagement and productivity for both editors and authors. This special edition of CIE aims to highlight the experiences of those involved in student-run academic journals and uncover the influence of these experiences on their academic identities. The influence of student journals goes beyond academia by reaching audiences that include practitioners and the general public (Theeke & Hall, 2021). For example, student journals published by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) members publish different types of contributions beyond the academic research paper format (Leibman & White, 1989) which are useful for a readership who seeks practical solutions to legal problems. Likewise, management student-run journals have also been shown to be beneficial “to break down barriers between research, teaching, and practice” (Theeke and Hall, p. 1), ultimately increasing research use. 

    In the field of education, there is an opportunity for student-run journals to enhance the usability of research outcomes to solve problems (Fischman et al., 2022). In this field, student journals serve as a bridge to connect two (apparently different) worlds: educational practice (e.g., teaching in schools at all educational levels, curriculum development, teachers’ education) and academic research. For instance, students at the undergraduate level must complete student teaching rotations as part of their education. Their exposure to classrooms and school settings is invaluable. These students are exposed to theories and teaching strategies both in the classroom and in their practices in various contexts, which is an opportunity to try and experiment with methods and models that may serve different school communities. These student teaching experiences provide them with the insights to pose research questions about teaching and learning, potentially leading to purposeful writing projects and manuscripts to submit for publication in journals where other students serve as mentors (editors, reviewers) (Ng et al., 2017). In other words, education journals led by students are good examples of publication venues that intend “to contribute useable, citable knowledge to a community” (Downs, 2021, p. 21). 

    Most student-led journals, like CIE, are also open-access venues, which promote the exposure of ideas broadly and ultimately provide the community with the open-access citation advantage, as the rate of citations is 18% more in open-access venues than in non-open-access publications  (Piwowar et al., 2018). Most existing journals are open access, and despite a latent challenge in their discoverability, some scholarly databases, such as the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), are keen to include student journals in their records (see the interview with Judith Barnsby in this Special Issue). 

    Some student journals face a lack of institutional support due to the belief that these journals’ reputation is not as high as more prestigious academic journals, and therefore, they are not relevant in the scholarly publishing landscape (Cotton, 2006; Ng et al., 2017). In this vein, some authors question the credibility of student-led journals because students are seen as inexperienced and unprepared to conduct the editorial process, undermining the students’ agency in their fields (Ng, 2017; Ng et al., 2017). Despite these critics, researchers have proven that publishing in student journals supports short- and long-term academic achievement, “including peer-reviewed publications, grants, and attainment of faculty positions” (Al-Busaidi et al., 2019, p. 4). 

    This special edition features six articles that explore the vital and distinct role of student-run journals in providing publishing opportunities and shaping the scholarly identity of authors and editorial teams. We hope you enjoy this special edition and the unique place that student-run journals have in the peer-review publishing sphere. Please continue to advocate and support student-run journals with your numerous treasures. 

    Ivonne Lujano Vilchis (ABD), Dr. Derek Thurber, and Dr. Matt Romkey, Special Issue Editors



    Al-Busaidi, I. S., Wells, C. I., & Wilkinson, T. J. (2019). Publication in a medical student journal predicts short- and long-term academic success: A matched-cohort study. BMC Medical Education, 19(1), 271.

    Cotton, N. C. (2006). The competence of students as editors of law reviews: A response to Judge Posner. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 154(4), 951–982.

    Downs, D. (2021). Spanning student networks: Designing undergraduate research journal websites to foster student–student mentoring. Computers and Composition, 60, 102642.

    Fischman, G., Amrein-Beardsley, A., & McBride-Schreiner, S. (2022). Education research is still the hardest science: A proposal for improving its trustworthiness and usability. In F1000Research.

    Leibman, J. H., & White, J. P. (1989). How the student-edited law Journals make their publication decisions. Journal of Legal Education, 39(3), 387–425.

    Ng, K. (2017, February 19). Student-Run Academic Journals: A New Trend in Scholarly Communication. 2017 AAAS Annual Meeting (February 16-20, 2017).

    Ng, K., Asadi-Lari, M., Chan, S. W. S., Arora, R. K., Qaiser, F., Sharlandjieva, V., & Noukhovich, S. (2017). Student-run academic journals in STEM: A growing trend in scholarly communication. Science Editor, 40(2), 131–135.

    Piwowar, H., Priem, J., Larivière, V., Alperin, J. P., Matthias, L., Norlander, B., Farley, A., West, J., & Haustein, S. (2018). The state of OA: A large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of Open Access articles. PeerJ, 6, e4375.

    Theeke, M., & Hall, M. I. (2021). Cocurricular learning in management education: Lessons from legal education’s use of student-edited journals. Journal of Management Education, 10525629211014240.

  • Woman celebrating on campus

    Vol. 24 No. 1 (2023)

    I am honored to introduce Volume 24, Issue 1 of Current Issues in Education. 

    This year, CIE is celebrating 25 years as a student-led, open-access journal! The celebration of this milestone serves as a reminder of the vital role student-led journals play in providing hands-on experiences for graduate students in publishing, editing, and contributing to the field. Over the past 25 years, student editors like myself and everyone else on the editorial board have published issues featuring articles on wide-ranging topics, from innovative student engagement strategies to critical discussions on foundational concepts of teaching and learning. This experience has been transformative in preparing us for academic careers through experiential learning opportunities. 

    This anniversary also provides an opportunity for us to reflect on the progress made and the work that still needs to be done to advance the quality of education for everyone. CIE’s continued commitment to being open access ensures that its articles and insights reach a wide audience, fostering greater collaboration and dialogue in the field of education. This issue is no exception. The articles in this issue are a collection of insightful and thought-provoking articles that delve into the complex and multifaceted nature of the international education landscape. The articles highlight important research that seeks to challenge conventional thinking, provoke dialogue, and provide practical insights into critical educational issues.

    The first article, "Not motivated but frustrated": Preservice Teachers’ Career Choice Motivations and Professional Identity in an African Context, written by Adaobiagu Obiagu at the University of Nigeria, examines the career choice motivations and professional identity of preservice teachers in Nigeria. Through a narrative research method, the study sheds light on the factors that influence the choice of teaching as a profession and the development of teacher professional identity. This research provides crucial insights into the development of social education teacher pedagogy and ethics training programs in developing contexts.

    The second article, TeleNGAGE: Enhancing Collaboration Between Families and Schools, written by Katherine Curry and colleagues at Oklahoma State University, explores the potential of TeleNGAGE, a new ECHO® line, in facilitating engagement between families and schools. The study uses a qualitative case study approach and the lens of Communities of Practice (CoP) to examine how relationships between families and schools change due to participation in TeleNGAGE. The findings promote a shift in perspectives and practices in equitable family engagement.

    The third article, Complementary Medicine in the Classroom: Is it Science?, by Frank Trocco at Lesley University, provides a strategy for teaching complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the classroom. This essay demonstrates how educators can use inquiry-based constructivist pedagogy to enhance students' critical reflection skills when examining controversial and polarizing medical topics. By incorporating hands-on CAM experiments in the classroom, students can deepen their learning and better understand the complex nature of medical knowledge.

    Derek Thurber
    Assistant Editor, on behalf of the CIE Editorial Team

  • Vol. 23 No. 3 (2022)

    Three years ago, I started my journey to become Dr. Blair Stamper in Arizona State University’s fully online Educational Leadership and Innovation Program. I started this program with limited research experience. I was purely a practitioner, first as a middle school teacher and then as an instructional designer. While the courses in the program helped introduce me to the basics of research methods and research theories, my experiences with Current Issues in Education truly made me become a better researcher. 

    In my first year at the University, I started as a reviewer for the journal. With guidance from the journal editors, I tried my absolute best to provide feedback on the articles submitted. Looking back, I realize I had no idea what I was doing. My feedback focused on grammatical errors, flow of ideas, and overall contribution to the field. I rarely focused my attention on the depth of content in the literature review and struggled to explain issues within the methodology. To this day, I often wonder what the editorial team must have been thinking as they read through my reviews of manuscripts.

    In Fall 2021, I applied and was chosen for an editor position with the journal. In those first initial meetings, I felt a sense of imposter syndrome. There were so many conversations surrounding topics I didn’t understand that I felt lost and like I did not belong. I knew I had a lot to learn from the amazing editorial team in place. Through patience, observing, and paying attention to those around me, I felt myself gain more confidence in the publishing world. Within six months of being on the editorial board, I began teaching and mentoring newer editorial members to help them grow in the field.

    My experiences with Current Issues in Education have allowed me to have a better understanding of the publishing process and helped build my confidence as a practitioner-researcher. I am now able to apply the perspectives of a journal editor, reviewer, and author to my own research and publications. Since joining the team, I have published two articles, with one pending publication, applied to be part of other review boards, and completed my dissertation. I am so thankful for the opportunity that Arizona State University has provided me through working with Current Issues in Education.

    I am very proud to present the December 2022 Issue. 

    In Teacher Collaboration and Instruction for Social-Emotional Learning: A Correlational Study, Leonard and Woodland conducted a quantitative study to examine the relationship between teacher collaboration and the use of instructional practices that support social-emotional learning (SEL). The authors found a statistically significant relationship between the frequency of teacher engagement in higher-intensity “student-facing” collaborative actions.

    In Teacher-Preparation Programs and Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices: Getting Students to CHILL, Bailey presents self-regulation strategies to help teachers and students address their own social and emotional needs. CHILL is an easy-to-implement five-step process designed to reduce tension in moments of crisis and create the conditions whereby students are prepared to reengage with instruction, both with the teacher and with the class. 

    Finally, in Is Consistency Possible? Course Design and Delivery to Meet Faculty and Student Needs, McMullan, Williams, Ortiz, and Lollar explore the needs of nursing students and faculty to determine an effective course design that leads to student achievement of course outcomes. The authors found that students find value in consistent course design and technology implementation to aid in content delivery.

    Signing off,
    Dr. Blair Stamper
    Managing Editor, on behalf of the CIE Editorial Team

  • Students on campus walking

    Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)

    It is for me an honor to present our Vol 23 No 2. This issue reflects the hard work of our editorial team and reviewers, who diligently reviewed the submissions we received from authors affiliated with schools, school districts, and higher education institutions in the U.S. and worldwide. I want to thank all of them, especially CIE’s Assistant Editor, Derek Thurber, for his professionalism and high commitment to the editorial process. Thank you to our Managing Editors Matt Romkey  and Blair Stamper, who recently defended her dissertation and graduated from ASU's EdD Educational Leadership and Innovation program. Congratulations, Dr. Stamper! 

    Besides serving the education research community, we aim to build a significant learning environment for our student editors and reviewers. Recently we led a workshop on peer-review best practices to ensure that the process is conducted professionally and ethically. We provided the participants with tools to write thorough, caring, and constructive feedback for the authors that hopefully will help them develop their skills as reviewers of other academic outputs. 

    The workshop was part of our commitment to open-access to research publications. A couple of months ago, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced that “by 2025, federal agencies must make papers that describe taxpayer-funded work freely available to the public as soon as the final peer-reviewed manuscript is published” (Brainard & Kaiser, 2022). This policy is a big step towards advancing open access locally and globally, especially within the context of global challenges such as the recent pandemic and climate change. Our workshop was part of the Open Access Week, an international event that CIE celebrated for the third consecutive year. This year, the theme was “Open for Climate Justice.” CIE’s Associate Editor Dilraba Anayatova presented an initiative that ASU is implementing to raise awareness of the need to take collective action to fight climate injustices, the “Turn it Around! Flashcards for Education Futures” project. We hope to receive submissions that address these issues from an educational perspective.

    In this issue, our readers will find the paper Comprehensive Literacy Instruction within Classroom Contexts: Teachers’ Perceptions of Best Practices for Literacy. From a sociocultural perspective of learning, the authors explore how teachers combine their experiential knowledge with more theoretical, abstract knowledge to design literacy instruction practices. The authors surveyed reading teachers in K-12 grades. They found that teachers undoubtedly consider students’ needs and local contexts for instruction design, which ultimately challenges top-down policies and predetermined “best practices.”

    In Centering Love as the Foundation of a Racially Just and Decolonizing Student Affairs the authors Dian D. Squire, Rachael Blansett, and Raquel Wright-Mair wonder how love as an action–following bell hooks–could play a role in challenging settler-colonial ideologies within the field of Student Affairs. The authors invite the readers to imagine a skill set of love toward transformative changes in the work and praxis of educators. 

    As we transition toward ‘post-pandemic’ times, and as many of us struggle(d) with the psychological consequences of the disturbing event, the article authored by Blanca N. Ibarra Understanding SEL to Create a Sense of Belonging: The Role Teachers Play in Addressing Students’ Social and Emotional Well-Being invites us to reflect on the relevance of bringing social-emotional learning to the classroom. Through a literature review, the author analyzes the whys and hows, focusing on the students’ emotional well-being must be a priority for “nurturing the love of learning” in schools.


    Ivonne Lujano Vilchis

    Editor-in-Chief, on behalf of the CIE Editorial Team



    Brainard, J., & Kaiser, J. (2022, August 26). White House requires immediate public access to all U.S.-funded research papers by 2025. Science Insider.

  • Vol. 23 No. 1 (2022)

    Dear readers,

    Welcome to our Issue 1, Volume 23!

    I am delighted to announce that this issue results from the tremendous efforts of our renovated Editorial Board. At the beginning of 2022, we expanded the team, which now includes nine brilliant students from our three doctoral programs at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. We are also very proud to have more student reviewers on board! We aim to support young researchers by providing resources to conduct ethical reviews while at the same time respecting the diversity of their backgrounds, life experiences, and expertise.

    This editorial is also an opportunity to thank the guest speakers that provided their insights about the editorial journey in our internal seminar on scholarly publishing practices. My greatest gratitude is to our five guest speakers, Lawrence Lenhart, John Nelson, and Dr. James Blasingame from ASU, and our external speakers, Yixuan Wang and Jennifer Ervin, student editors of the Journal of Language & Literacy Education (JoLLE).

    Our editorial team has been expanding connections with educators, scholars, students, and publishers from different communities here in Arizona, across the country, and beyond. In February, we presented our journal at the Unconference 2022, an event to advance Open Science in education research. We were present at the Arizona Regional OER Conference in March, an event organized by the Maricopa Community Colleges District.  April was an exciting month to connect and reconnect with colleagues in two events that bring together communities of educational researchers from around the world. First, part of our team strengthened connections at the CIES 2022 Conference, in Minneapolis, MN. Second, we spread the word at the 2022 AERA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

    As an international student, it is a fascinating experience to lead the publication of the four papers included in this issue. We continuously receive a myriad of submissions that address interesting and timely questions, provide innovative approaches, and expand vibrant ideas that seek to mobilize education research.

    One of our goals is to continue disseminating rigorous research that addresses educational inequalities and responds to social justice issues disproportionally affecting underserved populations in the United States and worldwide. The first paper in this issue analyzes the media coverage of culturally relevant school curricula and educational practices that respond to racial justice, particularly on Black lives. The author, Abe Feuerstein, aimed to identify the dominant narrative frames in 72 articles published in four U.S.-based newspapers. He found two competing narratives. One clearly addresses inequality and systemic injustice. The other narrative claims national identity and patriotism, which potentially limit schools that seek to discuss racial justice. This study invites us to think about the bridges between education and communication studies, strengthening our commitment to publishing boundary research to inform education policy and teaching practices.

    The original study of Kristan Russell, Melissa Burnham, Sarah Trescher, and Victoria Knoche reflects on the issue of sexual relationships between teachers and students. Their thorough content analysis of Nevada school district policies reveals that despite all the districts in the state having explicit policies to address sexual harassment, the vagueness in the description of potential boundary-crossing situations makes it difficult to prevent other inappropriate relations e.g., in social media. This paper points out that, in order to prevent sexual offenses in schools, regulations should clearly state the consequences of sexual misconduct, including unethical interactions in social media and other electronic communications.

    With this issue, we want to keep the door open to manuscripts that reflect on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on education. Many of us experienced mental well-being issues during this time; stress and anxiety were the most common conditions that led us to unprecedented burnout. Among schoolteachers, the need to transform their classroom into a virtual (and safe) learning environment in a limited time exacerbated the challenges. In their study, Harriet Fox and Heather Walter investigate the individual and environmental factors that K-12 teachers in the U.S. perceived as critical elements for their resilience processes. The authors found that strong connections with peers and support from district and school administrators were crucial for teachers to cope with uncertain times. Although some experienced isolation and felt under-supported, the sense of community and school connectedness were decisive for overcoming the disruptions in teachers' professional and personal lives.

    One of the questions that the pandemic put on the table is how do students manage their learning processes? In their systematic review of the literature on self-regulated learning (SRL), Erin Cousins, Linda Bol and Tian Luo explore the long-term effects of the SRL processes in K-12 students. The authors analyzed 17 peer-reviewed empirical studies that included delayed post-test follow-up measures to identify the trends in the intervention structure, complexity, and style of the interventions. Their findings have important implications for curriculum designers and instructors as the durability of achievement outcomes may be enhanced by implementing domain-specific instruction.

    The editorial team would like to thank our readers who make it possible for us to contribute to strengthening educational research. Or, as our founder-editor, Dr. David Berliner, states, ‘the hardest science of all.’ We are thrilled to share that CIE’s website has been viewed 1,339,917 times so far!

    As in past years, the submissions portal will be closed during the summer months, and reopen in August.


    Ivonne Lujano Vilchis

    Editor-in-Chief, on behalf of the CIE Editorial Team

  • Vol. 22 No. 3 (2021)

    Dear Readers,

    Greetings from the editorial team at Current Issues in Education (CIE)! 

    As we present the third and final issue of 2021, I want to share about our growth as an editorial team as well as reflect on the year. CIE is one of the longest running open access journals in the field of education, managed entirely by doctoral students - a distinction that is quite rare in the world of publishing. This third issue completes the 22nd volume.

    The new editorial team came into its own both in terms of its internal workings and external orientation during 2021. In addition to overseeing the peer review and publication of manuscripts, in February, we presented “Open Access is a Matter of Inclusion - Lessons from a Graduate Student Editorial Board” at the Virtual Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research, highlighting how our focus on inclusion drives our policies and practices. In October during International Open Access Week, we organized a webinar spearheaded by Ivonne Lujano Vilchis, one of our associate editors. And in between, we continued to organize reviewer training workshops for new reviewers. 

    Internally, the editorial team further streamlined the journal’s policies and procedures. We are especially pleased to announce that our journal has been indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Our efforts are reflected both in the quality and quantity of the submissions we have been receiving over the past year. 

    Volume 22, Issue 3 exemplifies the high standards that we have set for our contributors, readers, and ourselves. The articles in this issue cover a wide variety of topics that are relevant and current in educational research, ranging from in-school to out-of-school educational contexts, from students to teachers, university faculty and administrators, and from learning standards and other cognitive parameters to non-cognitive and affective factors and their role in education. 

    In “More than a Babysitter: Looking Back on an Effective Summer Enrichment Program,” Benterah Morton, Kelly O. Byrd, Elizabeth Allison, and André M. Green document how a standards-based summer enrichment program for elementary students addressed academic opportunity gaps. In the article “Students’ Perceptions of Team Learning across Teaching Frameworks and Settings,” authors Sarah K. Guffey, Christopher W. Parrish, and David S. Williams examine preservice teachers’ perceptions of team-based learning in face-to-face and online teacher education courses with the finding that teams provide important affordances in both contexts. Laura Handler, Teresa Petty, and Amy Good focus on inservice teacher professional development in their article titled “Supporting Teacher Learning during the Professional Development Experience: The Case of National Board Certification.” They find that there is a complex interaction between several dynamic forces that support effective professional development of teachers. Also, related to the field of professional development is another article titled “Mindfulness in the Professional Lives of K-12 Educators.” In this article, author Emily McRobbie employs an interpretive case study with K-12 teachers to study the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention program.

    As 2021 comes to an end, the COVID-19 pandemic continues. So do the challenges it poses to education at all levels. Keeping this reality in mind, we introduce the dossier “Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reflections from the Field.'' The current issue carries two articles related to higher education. Care and compassion are highlighted by Grace Inae Blum and Leah M. Dale in their duoethnographic study “Becoming Humanizing Educators during Inhumane Times: Valuing Compassion and Care above Productivity and Performance.” The personal nature of the reflections are well-complemented by the second article in this section titled “Institutional Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Faculty and Administrator Experiences.” The authors Narketta Sparkman-Key, Tammi F. Dice and Alexandra C. Gantwhich employ chaos theory to reflect on institutional responses and their findings have significant implications for shaping university culture. 

    We are grateful to you - our readers - for your continued association with the journal and hope that you find the articles informative and insightful. We are also grateful to our contributors and reviewers without whom the quality of the journal could not be possible. Over the last year, we have grown together both as a team and as a journal. It is now time for me to hand over the editorial responsibilities to Ivonne Lujano Vilchis, our experienced and accomplished editor, as I bid adieu as lead editor. 

    Wishing all of you a wonderful break as the new year approaches!


    Marina Basu

    Lead Editor | Current Issues in Education

    On behalf of the CIE editorial team


  • Vol. 22 No. 2 (2021)

    Editorial: Welcome to Issue 22(2)

    Dear Readers,

    The academic year is coming to an end in most parts of the world, and CIE is publishing its second issue of the 22nd volume. While the global pandemic continues to impact education, it remains important to reiterate certain fundamentals of high-quality education, including issues of social justice and equity.

    As recent racial and health injustices have been yet again highlighted, there is an ongoing need to understand curriculum from diverse and critical perspectives. Another equally significant aspect of education is aesthetic education, as has been emphasized by educational philosophers like John Dewey, Eliot Eisner, and Maxine Green, among others. However, it is yet to receive sustained attention from policy makers and curriculum developers. Decades ago, Green (2001) pointed out that an aesthetic education helps enlarge curricular possibilities in the classroom, through an “active, energetic reaching out” that “combats boredom and banality” (p. 182). Perhaps at no time in our recent history has this been more important than during the present uncertain times of the pandemic. 

    Given this context, authors Saxe and Wilson foreground as well as integrate social justice with aesthetic education. They provide a framework that allows teachers to implement curricular changes using educational criticism and connoisseurship models; their research focuses on the practices of a high school English teacher. The authors contend that such curriculum allows for greater empathy in students and a way for teachers to integrate their beliefs with their curricular practices. 

    Maxine Green also points to the role that an aesthetic education plays in fostering inclusion and diversity, in understanding curricular readings from different cultural perspectives. The second article highlights the issue of diversity through its focus on dual-language education. Kandice Grote and her colleagues show the parallels between two different constructs: growth mindset and bilingual cognition, and they argue that integrating these concepts help build cognitive flexibility, and help us understand cognitive development, especially during early childhood. 

    The third article by Tara Lehan and her colleagues critically review the literature on online doctoral student persistence. While there are rising numbers of online doctoral programs, the authors point out that this remains an understudied phenomenon. They find that institutional factors outweigh individual student characteristics, with a few exceptions. They recommend that greater communication from faculty would help online students feel supported and be part of a community, and thus lead to their successful program completion. 

    Taken together, these three articles in CIE provide rich insights into and way forward for our educational systems, ranging from early childhood to doctoral education. As we temporarily close our submission portal for the summer, we hope that our readers, contributors, and well-wishers find the time to rejuvenate after a long, uncertain, and challenging year. We also gratefully acknowledge the important service rendered by our reviewers. As an editorial team, we plan to return in August with renewed commitment to serving the educational community through publishing high quality research. 


    Marina Basu

    Lead Editor, on behalf of the CIE Editorial Team


    Green, M. (2001). Variations on a blue guitar. Teachers College Press. 

  • Vol. 22 No. 1 (Sp Iss) (2021)

    This final installment of the ShapingEDU special issue includes an introduction and 11 articles that unpack the various intertwined journeys we must embark on together to bolster digital equity and inclusion, to recognize all forms of learning and to spur an even more harmonious connections between our institutions and the workforce of the future.

  • Vol. 21 No. 2 (Sp Iss) (2020)

    This first installment underscores the vitality of humanizing learning, no matter what form it takes. Making learners feel welcome, embracing inclusive practices,and leading with authenticity are core to helping learners thrive. It is in this same spirit that we welcome you, special issue readers, to dream big with us.

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