Special Issue: Call for papers!

Call for Papers: Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age
*** Submission deadline extended to November 1st, 2019!
This special issue, Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age, invites contemporary work from scholars, practitioners, technologists, community members, and students on the futures of learning in the digital age. This issue welcomes submissions from a diverse transdisciplinary field of people, groups, and organizations that are thinking about, researching, designing, and creating the futures of learning.
While this special issue includes a public call for papers, it is intentionally targeted to a growing community of “dreamers, doers, and drivers,” otherwise identified as changemakers, from across the world known as ShapingEDU that are looking to shape the futures of education. Founded at the University Technology Office at Arizona State University in 2018, the ShapingEDU community convenes annually to explore identified calls to action.
In 2018 the community identified 10 calls to action namely;
- Promote access and equity
- Connect education to the workforce of the future
- Build constellations of innovation
- Recognize all forms of learning
- Personalize learning
- Humanize learning
- Bolster intergenerational leadership for learning futures
- Foster immersive learning
- Innovate artificial intelligence (AI) applications
- Embed data-driven approaches for student success
The topics of submissions to this special issue are anticipated to include, but not be limited to, these themes. For more detailed information on each theme please visit the ShapingEDU website. We welcome a diverse set of submissions: full original research papers, short reports or briefs, review papers, case studies, essays, or methodology papers. Full paper and methodology paper submissions should not exceed 8000 words, all other submissions should not exceed 6000 words (excluding references).
The aim of this special issue is to provide a publication venue for the work that individuals and groups such as the ShapingEDU community and others like it are engaging in around the world. With an increasing need to prepare and design for the future, we hope this special issue will serve as the seed to shape the futures of learning in the digital age.
For more information see the Special Issue Call for Papers page. We look forward to your submission!