Editorial: Welcome to Issue 19.3
Dear readers, authors, reviewers, and other visitors of the CIE website,
As we are opening our Fall issue 19(3), the first article in which will be published soon, we are excited to announce more details about the restructuring of the journal: The relationship between the journal and the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College (MLFTC) has been formalized in a new charter. The implementation of the changes outlined in this charter is spearheaded by the Teachers College Doctoral Council (TCDC). The first step in this process is the creation of a new CIE Advisory Board, which will consist of four MLFTC faculty members and three MLFTC doctoral students, and select the journal's new editorial staff. In October, the Advisory Board and editorial staff members will be announced and the editorial staff will distribute a call for papers for issue 20(1) in the Spring, along with an update regarding submission guidelines and other new policies and procedures. In the meantime, you can find CIE's already revised focus and scope under the policies section of the "About" tab of our website.
If you have any questions about the restructuring process, the upcoming call for papers, or other topics, please submit your question(s) using the following Google form: https://goo.gl/forms/IHSi5Acg6A2IXcrp1. The new CIE Editorial Board will contact you with answers and additional information as soon we have finished the restructuring process.
In the meantime, authors and reviewers of manuscripts currently in the review or editing processes should continue to communicate with the editors they have been working with. If you are looking for an article from the CIE archives and find it missing, it means that it has not been moved to our new website yet. In this case, please send an email to cie@asu.edu and we will expedite the process of making the article available again. Note that only emails containing questions about the archives and manuscripts currently under review/in editing will be answered when using this email address.
Happy reading,
Constantin Schreiber
Interim Executive Editor
Current Issues in Education
Dani Kachorsky
Teachers College Doctoral Council