Multicultural Teaching Models to Educate Pre-Service Teachers: Reflections, Service-Learning, and Mentoring


  • Anni Krummel Illinois State University


pre-service teacher, multicultural education, service-learning, modeling mentoring, diversity


The population of pre-service teachers entering university education programs is becoming more diverse. University education departments have the responsibility to understand and prepare current pre-service teachers, especially regarding multicultural education. The purpose of this paper is to understand the different dynamics of white pre-service teachers and pre-service teachers of color who are entering education departments. It has been found that pre-service teachers have a fear and are silenced during discussions of race. Therefore, university programs and professors have the challenge of opening communication within his/her courses in order to prepare teachers who can have critical multicultural discussions with his/her students. The current trends of preparing pre-service teachers to understand his/her own background and viewpoints include reflecting, service-learning, and mentoring. 

Author Biography

Anni Krummel, Illinois State University

Anni is a doctoral student at Illinois State University in the School of Teaching and Learning (Curriculum and Instruction). She received her MS. Ed at Dominican University in 2009. Anni is also full-time early elementary special education teacher in central Illinois. She is passionate about educational equality and focuses her research on multicultural education and multiracial/biracial students in school environments.




How to Cite

Krummel, A. (2013). Multicultural Teaching Models to Educate Pre-Service Teachers: Reflections, Service-Learning, and Mentoring. Current Issues in Education, 16(1). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue