Are we Turning our Backs on Teacher Preparation? Lessons from France's System of Teacher Training


  • Christina Berchini Michigan State University


teacher preparation, learning to teach, education reform, comparative education, globalization and teacher education


Not surprisingly, in an increasingly neo-liberal context of international competition for educational prestige, conversations about teaching and teacher preparation have taken hold across the globe. Further complicating these matters is that ideas about teaching, learning, and learning to teach cannot be understood or analyzed in a vacuum; that is, without first exploring the history, evolution, purposes of, and tensions within the system in which they live. In this way, the realities of social change and globalization ensure that debates about what it means to prepare teachers wellin any contextare complex and enduring. In this article, I illuminate some of those complexities specifically as they relate to a comparison of university-based systems of teacher preparation in France and the United States. The issue of what it means to prepare teachers well for an increasingly diverse and global society is a prominent focus of this discussion.   

Author Biography

Christina Berchini, Michigan State University

Christina Berchini is a doctoral candidate in Michigan State Universitys Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education program. Her research interests include investigating teacher identity development in secondary English classrooms; she has also conducting international research. The issues presented in this article emerged from a funded study in which she explored Frances process of teacher-training in the context of reform. She is indebted to Dr. Kyle Greenwalt for his intellectual contributions to the design and execution of the study, as well as to the College of Education at Michigan State University for the generous funding opportunity which made this investigation possible.




How to Cite

Berchini, C. (2013). Are we Turning our Backs on Teacher Preparation? Lessons from France’s System of Teacher Training. Current Issues in Education, 16(1). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue