The Benefits of Standards-Based Grading: A Critical Evaluation of Modern Grading Practices


  • Danielle L. Iamarino Northern Arizona University


standards-based grading, formative assessment, points-based grading, summative assessment


This paper explores the methodology and application of an assessment philosophy known as standards-based grading, via a critical comparison of standards-based grading to other assessment philosophies commonly employed at the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels of education. Evidenced by examples of increased student engagement and more thorough comprehension of course materials, standards-based grading is illustrated as an effective replacement for conventional points-based grading. The analysis also identifies and responds to common issues and concerns inherent in the application of standards-based grading, and includes a review of relevant literature and research in support of standards-based grading as a progressive and successful alternative to more conventional assessment philosophies.

Author Biography

Danielle L. Iamarino, Northern Arizona University

Danielle L. Iamarino is a proponent and researcher of alternative and holistic approaches to education. She currently resides in Flagstaff, Arizona and teaches English composition at Northern Arizona University.





How to Cite

Iamarino, D. L. (2014). The Benefits of Standards-Based Grading: A Critical Evaluation of Modern Grading Practices. Current Issues in Education, 17(2). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue