Teacher Training, Sexuality Education, and Intellectual Disabilities: An Online Workshop


  • Katia Gonzalez-Acquaro Wagner College


The focus of this study was to assess the impact of an online workshop on teachers knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy beliefs toward sexuality education and intellectual disabilities. A pretest-post-test group design was implemented for this study. Sixty-eight teachers were randomly assigned to one of two training conditions or a control group. Results demonstrated that teachers in both training groups, information and information/reflection, scored significantly higher compared to the control group on the Knowledge toward Sexuality Education and Intellectual Disabilities Questionnaire, the Attitudes toward Sexuality Education and Intellectual Disabilities Survey, and the Self-Efficacy toward Sexuality Education and Intellectual Disabilities Survey. Teachers in the information/reflection group scored the highest of all three groups on the Attitudes toward Sexuality Education and Intellectual Disabilities Survey.

How to Cite

Gonzalez-Acquaro, K. (2015). Teacher Training, Sexuality Education, and Intellectual Disabilities: An Online Workshop. Current Issues in Education, 11. Retrieved from https://cie.asu.edu/ojs/index.php/cieatasu/article/view/1592



Spring/Fall Issue