Teacher Action Research in Foreign Language Classrooms: Four Teachers Tell Their Stories


  • Marjorie Hall Haley George Mason University
  • Allyson Midgely
  • Judy Ortiz
  • Teresa Romano
  • Lisa Ashworth
  • Amanda Seewald George Mason University


As a profession language educators are paying more attention to teacher-driven research to help clarify and explain those phenomena occurring in our classrooms. The purpose of this paper is to explore the following question: What happens when teachers apply a teacher action research (TAR) strategy for improving their classroom practice? I will start with a definition and then outline a set of steps for conducting this type of research. Next, the four teachers tell their own stories and share reflections on growth and development. Finally, I posit the importance of this kind of research in making contributions to language teaching and learning inquiry.

How to Cite

Hall Haley, M., Midgely, A., Ortiz, J., Romano, T., Ashworth, L., & Seewald, A. (2015). Teacher Action Research in Foreign Language Classrooms: Four Teachers Tell Their Stories. Current Issues in Education, 8. Retrieved from https://cie.asu.edu/ojs/index.php/cieatasu/article/view/1606



Spring/Fall Issue