School Reform through a School/University Partnership


  • Jerry L. Waddle Southeast Missouri State University
  • Kathleen D. Conway


This is a study of a reform effort to improve mathematics achievement in an elementary school through a partnership with a university. The partnership involved collaborating with university faculty to provide and plan research based professional development. The purposes of the study were to determine if the instructional practices of the teachers changed, if the delivery of staff development changed, and if student achievement improved over a six year period. The research methods used to answer these questions were both qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative methods utilized were: interviews, pre and post classroom observations, and observations of grade level meetings. The quantitative components were the pre and post administration of the Missouri Teacher Survey of Classroom Practices: Mathematics and the analysis of test scores on the statewide assessment from 1999-2004. The results indicated some change in instructional practices, significant increases in staff development and collaboration, and increased student achievement in mathematics.

How to Cite

Waddle, J. L., & Conway, K. D. (2015). School Reform through a School/University Partnership. Current Issues in Education, 8. Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue