Bilingual Cognition and Growth Mindset: A Review of Cognitive Flexibility and Its Implications for Dual Language Education


  • Kandice Grote California State University Northridge
  • Emily Russell California State University Northridge
  • Olivia Bates California State University Northridge
  • Rosemary Gonzalez California State University Northridge


Dual Language Learners, Bilingual Advantage, Growth Mindset, Multilingual Education Policy, Cognitive Flexibility


The United States has seen an increase in cultural and linguistic diversity of student populations. Policy makers have looked toward existing research in dual language education, alternative curriculum, and bilingualism to support the needs of dual-language learners. In this paper, we review two areas of research that have implications for educational policy, and also have theoretical implications for early cognitive development. The first area focuses on cognitive flexibility in bilingual populations. The second area focuses on growth mindset. We highlight the parallels in these constructs, arguing that bilinguals may be uniquely receptive to growth mindset interventions due to their increased cognitive flexibility. We identify specific ways that growth mindset interventions could be applied to support dual-language learners. Lastly, we argue that future research in both areas may provide researchers and educators with a better understanding of early cognitive development in bilingual populations and the emergence of growth mindset in all populations.

Author Biographies

Kandice Grote, California State University Northridge

Department of Child and Adolescent Development

Assistant Professor

Emily Russell, California State University Northridge

Department of Child and Adolescent Development

Associate Professor

Rosemary Gonzalez, California State University Northridge

Department of Child and Adolescent Development





How to Cite

Grote, K., Russell, E. ., Bates, O., & Gonzalez, R. (2021). Bilingual Cognition and Growth Mindset: A Review of Cognitive Flexibility and Its Implications for Dual Language Education. Current Issues in Education, 22(2). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue