Pipeline Disruption: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Next Generation of Teachers


  • Aubrey Scheopner Torres Saint Anselm College
  • Lisa D'Souza Assumption University




Teacher preparation, COVID-19, pandemic, teacher pipeline, clinical experiences


This qualitative study aims to provide insight into why teacher candidates, interested in pursuing K-12 teaching, made the decision to leave their traditional teacher preparation programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers utilized sociocultural theory as the framework to ground the research. The study finds the educational disruption caused by the pandemic added a layer of complexity to candidates’ experiences, including missed opportunities, limited clinical experience, and a general sense of uncertainty, which altered teacher candidates’ outlook on the teaching profession, impacted their education journeys, and ultimately shifted their immediate career trajectories. The results from this study indicate that clinical experiences are an important predictor of whether teacher candidates remain in their preparation programs. With this research study, we hope to support the development of a more robust teacher pipeline.

Author Biographies

Aubrey Scheopner Torres, Saint Anselm College

Department of Education, Associate Professor

Lisa D'Souza, Assumption University

Department of Education, Professor


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How to Cite

Scheopner Torres, A., & D’Souza, L. (2024). Pipeline Disruption: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Next Generation of Teachers. Current Issues in Education, 25(1). https://doi.org/10.14507/cie.vol25iss1.2125