Novice Teachers and Their Acquisition of Work-Related Information


  • Kyoung-Ae Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Gene Leon Roth Northern Illinois University


Knowledge Sharing, Novice Teachers, Knowledge Management, Tacit Knowledge


This qualitative case study explores types of work-related information that novice teachers seek out and learn that is related to their daily work tasks. Eighteen experienced K-6 teachers offer their reflections about the dynamics of seeking and interpreting work-related information during their initial years of teaching. In-depth interviews were used to ask participants to reflect on their pathways of finding and using work-related information when they were novice teachers. The participants described nuances of their school settings that provided catalysts and barriers to gaining and using work-related information.

Author Biographies

Kyoung-Ae Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Senior Researcher Global Institute for Talented Education Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 119 Munijiro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-732, Republic of Korea

Gene Leon Roth, Northern Illinois University

Gene Roth Distinguished Teaching Professor Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois USA 60115




How to Cite

Kim, K.-A., & Roth, G. L. (2011). Novice Teachers and Their Acquisition of Work-Related Information. Current Issues in Education, 14(1). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue