Rethinking Undergraduate Mathematics Education: The importance of classroom climate and self-efficacy on mathematics achievement


  • Michelle Lynn Peters University of Houston - Clear Lake
  • Karen Kortecamp The George Washington University


mathematics education, mathematics self-efficacy, mathematics achievement, classroom climate, learner-centered environments, teacher-centered environments, literature review


Given the growing societal demand for a more mathematically proficient work force, mathematics proficiency is viewed as a necessary component for success in todayâs world. To ensure proficiency, undergraduate institutions may need to rethink their instructional approaches to teaching mathematics. Understanding the influence of classroom climate and self-efficacy on mathematics achievement may lead to instructional practices that increase the percentage of students choosing to pursue mathematics related majors. This literature review synthesizes research that has empirically examined the influence of classroom climate and self-efficacy on mathematics achievement. This review also offers recommendations for future research and policy in the area of undergraduate mathematics.

Author Biographies

Michelle Lynn Peters, University of Houston - Clear Lake

Assistant Professor Educational Foundations - Research Methods The School of Education

Karen Kortecamp, The George Washington University

Associate Professor of Secondary Education Graduate School of Education and Human Development




How to Cite

Peters, M. L., & Kortecamp, K. (2010). Rethinking Undergraduate Mathematics Education: The importance of classroom climate and self-efficacy on mathematics achievement. Current Issues in Education, 13(4). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue