The Institutional Cost of Being a Faculty of Color: A Critical Personal Reflection


  • Pierre Wilbert Orelus New Mexico State University


professors of color, micro-aggression, racial [in]visibility, racial profiling, resistant narratives, education, critical race theory.


Drawing on critical race theory, auto-ethnography, and resistant narratives, this article examines systemic forms of oppression that professors of color teaching at predominantly white institutions have been facing. The author incorporates in his analysis his experience as a faculty of color battling multiple forms of micro-aggression (Solórzano, 1998). He situates his professional and lived experiences with institutional racism in a larger educational and political context and goes on to analyze the ways and the degree to which this form of racism has affected other professors of color.

Author Biography

Pierre Wilbert Orelus, New Mexico State University

Dr. Pierre Wilbert Orelus, a former high school teacher, is assistant professor in the Curriculum and Instruction department at New Mexico State University. He is the past Chair of the Post-colonial and Education Special Interest (SIG) Group at American Educational Research Association. He is currently the co-chair of the Paulo Freire SIG. Professor Orelus has received several awards and fellowships, including New Mexico State Dean of Education award for Excellence in Research. Professor Orelus’ research interests include post-colonial studies; language, race, and gender studies. His most recent books include Radical Voices of Democratic Schooling: Exposing neoliberal inequalities (Palgrave, 2012) with Curry S. Malott, and The Race Talk: Identity politics, multiracialism, and the hegemony of whiteness (Information Age Publishing, 2012).




How to Cite

Orelus, P. W. (2013). The Institutional Cost of Being a Faculty of Color: A Critical Personal Reflection. Current Issues in Education, 16(2). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue