Large-Scale Implementation of the edTPA: Reflections upon Institutional Change in Action


  • Diana B. Lys East Carolina University
  • Mark L'Esperance East Carolina University
  • Ellen Dobson East Carolina University
  • Ann Adams Bullock East Carolina University


assessment, data-driven, organizational change


This reflective case study highlights the challenges a teacher preparation unit faces as it develops in a conceptual model of institutional change the key roles, activities, and barriers to overcome in order to transform teacher preparation.  For institutions preparing to engage with the edTPA implementation, guidance is offered, including: developing organizational structures to address technology, content, and communications needs; building a foundation for program and faculty readiness; and building assessment models around the edTPA to support program improvement, curriculum alignment, and faculty research.  In the current educational climate, teacher preparation programs are challenged to evolve their practice and bring more valid and reliable assessments to teacher education.  The national movement behind the edTPA is one example.  Yet, the institutional change an edTPA implementation brings to each teacher preparation program is multifaceted and complex.

Author Biographies

Diana B. Lys, East Carolina University

Dr. Diana B. Lys is the Director of Assessment and Accreditation in the College of Education at East Carolina University.  Her research interests include student learning outcomes assessment and teacher preparation innovations.

Mark L'Esperance, East Carolina University

Dr. Mark L'Esperance is an Associate Professor in the Department of Elementary and Middle Grades Education. He has published and presented his research at the state, national and international level.

Ellen Dobson, East Carolina University

Ms. Ellen Dobson is an Instructional Technology Consultant in the College of Educations Office of Assessment and Accreditation. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland (B.A) and Penn State University (M. Ed.).

Ann Adams Bullock, East Carolina University

Dr. Ann Adams Bullock is the Interim Chairperson and an Associate Professor for the Department of Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education in the College of Education at East Carolina University.




How to Cite

Lys, D. B., L’Esperance, M., Dobson, E., & Bullock, A. A. (2014). Large-Scale Implementation of the edTPA: Reflections upon Institutional Change in Action. Current Issues in Education, 17(3). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue