Trend Analysis Techniques to Assist School Leaders in Making Critical Curriculum and Instruction Decisions


  • Gary D. Bigham West Texas A&M University
  • Mark R. Riney West Texas A&M University


trend analysis, school leadership, curriculum and instruction, assessment, data-driven decision-making


As educational needs of students change in response to changing demographics, economic factors, workforce needs, and school accountability requirements, school leaders must continually monitor and adjust curricula and associated methods of instructional delivery to increase student learning. The analysis of student performance data is a critical component of curriculum decision-making processes, and the purpose of this study is to demonstrate an application of trend analysis techniques in making curriculum and instruction decisions using historical student performance data. The techniques are demonstrated in relation to a real school problem and are transferrable to similar problems facing other schools. This study underscores the importance school leaders should place on analyzing data when making decisions related to curriculum and instruction. 

Author Biographies

Gary D. Bigham, West Texas A&M University

Gary Bigham is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at West Texas A&M University. His professional background includes twenty-five years of experience in Texas public schools and universities holding the positions of teacher, principal, superintendent, adjunct professor, and assistant professor.


Mark R. Riney, West Texas A&M University

Mark R. Riney, a former language arts and history teacher, is an Associate Professor and Chair of Curriculum and Instruction at West Texas A&M University. He teaches courses in curriculum theory and analysis, multicultural education, foundations of education, and secondary methods.




How to Cite

Bigham, G. D., & Riney, M. R. (2014). Trend Analysis Techniques to Assist School Leaders in Making Critical Curriculum and Instruction Decisions. Current Issues in Education, 17(1). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue