Examining Technology and Teaching Efficacy of Preservice Teacher Candidates: A Deliberate Course Design Model


  • Jana M. Willis University of Houston-Clear Lake


Use of technology, teaching, self-efficacy, technology integration, preservice teacher candidates


Training programs that improve technology self-efficacy of teacher candidates will better prepare candidates to overcome technology challenges with greater levels of confidence.  The purpose of this study was to examine self-efficacy levels of preservice teacher candidates who participated in scaffolded technology training designed to establish and build upon personal successes and motivations related to technology skill development and use of technology. A purposeful sample of 424 pre-service teacher candidates enrolled in an Instructional Technology course were administered the Technology and Teaching Efficacy Scale at the beginning and end of the semester to assess perceived confidence in his or her abilities to implement technology into classroom lessons/activities to promote students' success through the use of technology. Findings suggest that preservice teacher candidates, who participated in a technology course that was designed to develop confidence in the use and implementation of technology had an impact on use of technology and teaching self-efficacy.

Author Biography

Jana M. Willis, University of Houston-Clear Lake

Associate Professor

Instructional Technology

Curriculum and Instruction




How to Cite

Willis, J. M. (2015). Examining Technology and Teaching Efficacy of Preservice Teacher Candidates: A Deliberate Course Design Model. Current Issues in Education, 18(3). Retrieved from https://cie.asu.edu/ojs/index.php/cieatasu/article/view/1385



Spring/Fall Issue