Impact of Delivery Modality, Student GPA, and Time-Lapse Since High School on Successful Completion of College-Level Math after Taking Developmental Math


  • Diane Acosta University of Phoenix
  • Teresa Lynn North University of Phoenix
  • John Avella University of Phoenix


Developmental Mathematics, College-Level Mathematics, Student Success


This study considered whether delivery modality, student GPA, or time since high school affected whether 290 students who had completed a developmental math series as a community college were able to successfully complete college-level math.  The data used in the study was comprised of a 4-year period historical student data from Odessa College based on the completion of the developmental math courses, Introductory Algebra and Intermediate Algebra, and subsequent completion a college-level math course.  Through an ex-post facto design with logistic regression analysis, the results revealed that GPA was a predictor (p = 1.56 x 10-9) of completing a college-level math course with a C or better.  However, the delivery mode of developmental math (p = .456) and time lapse since completing high school (p = .200) were not found to be predictors of college math completion with a C or better.  Although online education continues to be an area of concern in higher education, this studys results reveal there are other variables that may affect successful completion of a college-level course, with this study finding that for every 1-point increase in college GPA, students were 3.64 times more likely to complete college-level math with a C or better.

Author Biographies

Diane Acosta, University of Phoenix

Ph.D. Higher Education Administration, 2015, University of Phoenix

Teresa Lynn North, University of Phoenix

Ph.D. Leadership for Higher Education, 2007, Capella University

M.B.A. Executive Certificate Successful Negotiation & Conflict Resolution, 2003, Jones International University

Ph.D. Nutrition, 1984, University of California Davis

M.S. Animal Science, 1979, University of California Davis

B.S. Animal Science, 1978, University of California Davis

John Avella, University of Phoenix

Ed.D. Educational Administration, 1999, Nova Southeastern University




How to Cite

Acosta, D., North, T. L., & Avella, J. (2016). Impact of Delivery Modality, Student GPA, and Time-Lapse Since High School on Successful Completion of College-Level Math after Taking Developmental Math. Current Issues in Education, 19(1). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue