Endorsement of Couples Counseling in a Domestic Violence Case as a Function of Training


  • Mona Bapat ASU Counseling Psychology
  • Terence Tracey ASU Counseling Psychology


Couples counseling, Domestic violence


Reactions of students in helping professions to domestic violence were examined with respect to whether or not the students had any training in domestic violence. One hundred, four students read one of two vignettes describing a domestic violence case and responded to statements related to treatment options. The vignettes differed only in education level and occupation of the victim. Students with training in domestic violence evidenced less willingness to endorse couples counseling as a treatment option than those without the knowledge or training. This main effect held across both SES conditions.

Author Biographies

Mona Bapat, ASU Counseling Psychology

Mona Bapat has her Master of Counseling degree from Arizona State University and is a doctoral student in counseling psychology at ASU in Tempe, Arizona. Her research interests include domestic violence and gender issues. She has worked as a lay legal advocate for victims of domestic violence and as a client advocate at a domestic violence shelter for women. As a counselor, she has also worked with female clients experiencing domestic violence.

Terence Tracey, ASU Counseling Psychology

Terence J. G. Tracey received his Ph.D. in Counseling from the Counseling and Personnel Services Department at the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1981. He has been employed as a staff psychologist at the Counseling Service at SUNY-Buffalo and as a Professor at the University of Illinois. He is now a Professor in the Counseling and Counseling Psychology programs at Arizona State University. His scholarship has focused on the topics of client-therapist interaction in psychotherapy and its relation to outcome, interpersonal models of personality and psychotherapy, the structure and development of vocational interests, and minority student academic success.




How to Cite

Bapat, M., & Tracey, T. (2009). Endorsement of Couples Counseling in a Domestic Violence Case as a Function of Training. Current Issues in Education, 12. Retrieved from https://cie.asu.edu/ojs/index.php/cieatasu/article/view/194



Spring/Fall Issue