Does it Work? A Guide to Investigating the Efficacy of Interventions in Educational Research


  • Michele Gregoire Gill


measurement, program evaluation, research


This paper examines types of research questions posed by educational researchers and identifies intervention research as a type of causal question. Next, research designs for answering causal questions are reviewed, paying attention to the application of lesser used designs that may overcome limitations faced when randomized experimental designs are not feasible or appropriate. The role of the designs is discussed as is the role of non-causal research in education. Finally, a graphical organizer to aid in interpreting existing research and planning future research on educational interventions is presented. A design for a sample study to test the effects of a new math program that may be used as a model for participants who may be considering planning their own research is also presented.

Author Biography

Michele Gregoire Gill

Associate Professor, Educational Psychology Dept of Educational Studies




How to Cite

Gill, M. G. (2010). Does it Work? A Guide to Investigating the Efficacy of Interventions in Educational Research. Current Issues in Education, 13(4). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue