Filling in the implementation gap? Problems in the Greek educational system--An evidence-based explanatory framework and critical reflections


  • Argyris Kyridis Professor
  • Nikos Papadakis As. Professor
  • Christos Zagkos Researcher
  • Nikos Fotopoulos Lecturer
  • Ageliki Chronopoulou Researcher


The Greek educational system the last 50 years recounts among numerous reformations and counterreformations. All the continuous changes seem not to be characterized of a clearly defined operational aims and rational continuity. Nowadays Educators, pupils, university students, parents, politicians and citizens criticize various structural and functional aspects of the Greek educational system. The main scope of that piece of research is to record and to analyze the problems of the Greek educational system according to the opinions of Greek undergraduate students. We asked from 400 undergraduate students the written answers to the following question: “According to your opinion which are the main problems of the Greek educational system?. The written answers have been analyzed according to the methodological standards of the classical thematic content analysis. 1468 statements have been summarized and taxonomized in ten main thematic categories. The Cohen test showed a high degree of taxonomic accordance among the reviewer of the written texts (κ=0,97). The content analysis showed that statements can be categorized in 7 main thematic categories.

Author Biographies

Argyris Kyridis, Professor

Argyris Kyridis has studied Political Science and Sociology at the University of Athens. He has obtained his Ph.D in Political Sociology, Sociology of Education at the same University and an M.Sc. in Politics and Sociology at Birkbeck College, University of London. He is currently a professor at University of Western Macedonia. He has published more than twenty books in Greek and more than 120 articles in greek and international scientific journals.

Nikos Papadakis, As. Professor

(Med, PhD), Assistant Professor of Educational Policy, Department of Social and Educational Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Peloponnese. Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Crete. Research fellow in the Institute of Labour (Athens) and the Centre for Research for LifeLong Learning (CRLL) of the University of Stirling and Glasgow Caledonian University. Publications in Greek, English, French and Arabian include journal articles and book chapters on educational policy, public policy in comparative perspective, university politics, qualitative methods in social and political research. He is the author of the books Educational Policy as Social Policy (Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 2003) and State, University and Policy in Greece (Athens: Gutenberg, 2004), He is also the editor of the books State, Market, Society and Policies in Education (Athens: Savvalas, 2003) and Education and Educational Policy between the State and the Market (in cooperation with D. Gravaris- Athens: Savvalas, 2004).

Christos Zagkos, Researcher

Christos Zagkos was born in Patras, Greece. He studied Balkan Studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and he obtained his P.h.D thesis at the University of Western Macedonia in the field of Political Sociology. He also obtained a M.A. degree in International Relations and International Law at the University of Lancaster, U.K. He has published more than twenty papers in Greek, European and American scientific journals. He is working as a researcher in the University of Western Macedonia and in the Centre for Education Policy (KANEP-GSEE)

Nikos Fotopoulos, Lecturer

Nikos Fotopoulos was born in Amaliada Greece. He studied sociolofy in the Panteion University of Athens where he obtained and his Phd thesis. He also holds a MA in Eucational Policy. He is a Lecturer in the University of Western Macedonia.

Ageliki Chronopoulou, Researcher

Ageliki Chronopoulou is a mathematician and obtained her PhD Thesis in Educational Policy in the University of Western Macedonia. She is the editor of the journal "Contemporary Education" in Greece.




How to Cite

Kyridis, A., Papadakis, N., Zagkos, C., Fotopoulos, N., & Chronopoulou, A. (2011). Filling in the implementation gap? Problems in the Greek educational system--An evidence-based explanatory framework and critical reflections. Current Issues in Education, 14(3). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue