Transfer of Active Learning Strategies from the Teacher Education Classroom to PreK-12th Grade Classrooms


  • Susan Kaye Pepper University of Mississippi
  • Sarah Blackwell University of Mississippi
  • Ann Monroe University of Mississippi
  • Shawn Coskey East Stroudsburg University


teacher education, active learning, transfer of learning, cooperative groups, problem-based learning, educational foundations


In this study, researchers investigated the influence of modeling active learning strategies in an introductory foundations teacher preparation course: 1) on teacher candidates' perceptions of participating in active learning in the college classroom, 2) on participants' acquisition of course content, and 3) on participants’ later use of active learning strategies in their classrooms as practicing teachers. Results revealed there was a significant difference in teacher candidates' acquisition of course content in the course sections that incorporated active learning (AL) and ones that incorporated a traditional lecture format (TL). In addition, on a follow-up survey of participants who are now practicing teachers, there was little difference in the use of the active learning strategies; however, there was a difference in the level of conceptual understanding of the theories of human development and diversity and how that knowledge was utilized by the AL and TL groups in their classrooms. 

Author Biographies

Susan Kaye Pepper, University of Mississippi

Kaye Pepper, PhD is an associate professor and the School of Education Director of Assessment. Her research interest is focused on the use of program assessment results to facilitate program improvement. 

Sarah Blackwell, University of Mississippi

Sarah E. Blackwell, EdD is an assistant professor and the assistant chair of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Mississippi. Her research interest is focused on effective teacher preparation. 

Ann Monroe, University of Mississippi

Ann Monroe, EdD is an assistant professor and the coordinator of elementary undergraduate programs in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Mississippi. Her research interest is focused on emotions in the classroom setting and their effect on cognition. 

Shawn Coskey, East Stroudsburg University

Shawn Coskey, EdD is an assistant professor of reading at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania . Her primary research interests center around reading comprehension, motivation, and reading/writing strategies that promote literacy acquisition.




How to Cite

Pepper, S. K., Blackwell, S., Monroe, A., & Coskey, S. (2012). Transfer of Active Learning Strategies from the Teacher Education Classroom to PreK-12th Grade Classrooms. Current Issues in Education, 15(3). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue