Universal Design for Learning: University Faculty Stages of Concerns and Levels of Use


  • Diana J. LaRocco University of Hartford
  • Danielle S. Wilken


students with disabilities, universal design, faculty concerns, level of use


Increasingly, students with disabilities are attending postsecondary schools.  As with any form of diversity, there are also pedagogical challenges and opportunities that go beyond accommodation and support the goal of learning for all.  This paper describes the results of the data collection phase of a faculty action-research project that grew from a core group of university faculty members’ concerns about how best to support students with disabilities on campus.  A researcher-developed survey was used to identify faculty members’ stages of concern about and use of nine Universal Design for Learning guidelines in their classes.  Findings reveal that the 46 respondents were at the stage of being largely concerned with learning more about the nine guidelines.  The results provide a snapshot of initial stages of concern.  Recommendations for action are provided.

Author Biographies

Diana J. LaRocco, University of Hartford

Danielle S. Wilken

Ms. Danielle S. Wilken is a doctoral candidate in the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership at the University of Hartford.  Her research interests focus on postsecondary faculty meeting the instructional needs of all students.  Ms. Wilken is the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at Goodwin College in Hartford, Connecticut.




How to Cite

LaRocco, D. J., & Wilken, D. S. (2013). Universal Design for Learning: University Faculty Stages of Concerns and Levels of Use. Current Issues in Education, 16(1). Retrieved from https://cie.asu.edu/ojs/index.php/cieatasu/article/view/1132



Spring/Fall Issue