Connecticut's New Teacher Evaluation Process: The Concerns and Experiences of Educators in Two Pilot Districts


  • Diana J. LaRocco University of Hartford
  • Deborah S. Wheeler
  • Beth Ann Loveland Sennett University of Hartford


Teacher concerns, teacher evaluation systems, change, pilot


This paper provides select results from a study that examined public school personnels concerns about implementing Connecticuts new teacher evaluation process. Data were gathered from educators in two districts involved in a statewide pilot of the new process. To examine change over time, study volunteers completed an Internet-based survey twice: in the beginning of the school year and at the end of the school year. A subsample of participants also participated in a focus group at the end of the pilot school year. Results reveal a shift in concerns from a focus on self and tasks to improving the process. At the same time, the level of commitment to implementing the process as experienced in the pilot decreased somewhat.

Author Biographies

Diana J. LaRocco, University of Hartford

Deborah S. Wheeler

Dr. Deborah Wheeler is a superintendent of schools in Connecticut. She has extensive experience as a director of special education services. She is also an adjunct professor at Quinnipiac University.



How to Cite

LaRocco, D. J., Wheeler, D. S., & Loveland Sennett, B. A. (2015). Connecticut’s New Teacher Evaluation Process: The Concerns and Experiences of Educators in Two Pilot Districts. Current Issues in Education, 18(1). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue