Students' First Amendment Rights and Demographics: Gauging School Board Responsiveness to Student Speech Policy


  • Mario Sergio Torres Texas A&M University
  • Virginia Collier
  • Homer Tolson
  • Tse-Yang Huang


First Amendment, Student Speech, Educational Policy, School Board Governance


This study examined the degree to which school boards locally modified student speech policy. Using online policy manuals provided by the Texas Association of School Boards, speech policies for 91 school districts were gathered and reviewed. The results of a chi-square statistic indicate geographical location and student enrollment were significantly related to whether school boards made changes to its speech policy. Although not surprising, the more pertinent issue becomes whether student speech should generate greater attention as schools become more diverse.

Author Biographies

Mario Sergio Torres, Texas A&M University

Mario S. Torres Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Texas A&M University AERA Law and Education SIG Chair Mexican American and U.S. Latino Research Center Fellow Adjunct Professor- Teachers College, Columbia University 4226 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4226 Phone-(979) 458-3016 Fax-(979) 862-4347

Virginia Collier

Clinical Professor

Homer Tolson

Visiting Professor




How to Cite

Torres, M. S., Collier, V., Tolson, H., & Huang, T.-Y. (2010). Students’ First Amendment Rights and Demographics: Gauging School Board Responsiveness to Student Speech Policy. Current Issues in Education, 13(3). Retrieved from



Spring/Fall Issue